Bullying : The affects and effects - part2
I am writing this set of posts because I understand how harrowing bullying can be. I’ve also been the victim of bullying and wanted to share some of the things I wish I’d known and had the guts to do something about it instead of suffering in silence.
First things first – you have done NOTHING to deserve to be bullied – its NOT YOUR FAULT.
Remember that you don’t have to suffer in silence and that its important to tell someone who you trust.
Here’s a list of things you can do
√ Talk to someone who you trust
√ If the person doesn’t help, don’t give up – remember its not your fault, talk to someone else – you’ve taken the first step and been really brave
√Write everything down that’s happened to you and try to write how you felt. Once you have someone you can talk to and trust you can show them what you’ve written
√Make sure that the person you talk to is someone you trust and ask them to talk to you before they discuss things with anyone else. You have a right to know what is being talked about and whether you feel that its right for you
√ If you want to have a friend with you to talk to your chosen person that’s ok
√You could telephone CHILDLINE'S SPECIAL BULLYING HELPLINE on 0800 44 11 11. The call is free and they are there to offer help and advice. They will not normally tell anyone else what you have talked about unless you agree.
What not to do
- Never suffer in silence
- Don’t ever blame yourself – you have done NOTHING wrong
- Never hit your bullies back – although you may want to, they will get what they deserve!
- Don't HIDE what is happening from the adults you trust - keeping things secret is the bullies' biggest weapon. That is why they go to so much trouble to stop you telling.
- Don’t believe the nasty comments – bullies try to make you feel bad but they’re scared themselves